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Exploring the capacity and benefits of a 50 KLD STP

Exploring the capacity and benefits of a 50 KLD STP

In today’s environmentally conscious world, effective sewage management is the pillar of sustainable development, especially in urban areas and large facilities.

A 50 KLD STP plant is designed to handle sewage treatment for small communities, residential complexes or small to medium enterprises.

What is 50 KLD STP?

A 50 KLD STP is a sewage treatment Plant facility capable of processing 50 kiloliters of sewage every day. This equates to treating waste generated by approximately 200-400 people.

50 KLD is an ideal solution for small residential complexes, hotels, schools and small industries ensuring wastewater is treated effectively before being discharged or reused.

What are the key components of 50 KLD plant?

A normal 50 KLD STD plant includes several important components that –

  1. Preliminary Treatment: This stage involves screening and removal of grit to filter out large solids and debris.
  2. Primary Treatment: In this stage the sedimentation tanks allows solids to settle down as sludge, while lighter materials float at the top.
  3. Secondary Treatment: Biological processes like activated sludge of trickling filters, degrade organic pollutants biologically.
  4. Tertiary Treatment: This optional stage includes filtration and disinfection to further purify the water, making it suitable for reuse in gardening, flushing and other non-potable purposes.

What are the benefits of 50 KLD STP?

  • Compact design and efficient space utilization: 50 KLD STP plant is available in compact design and requires less space making it suitable for locations with space issues.
  • Cost-effective: It offers the most cost-effective solution for sewage treatment with low operational and maintenance costs compared to large systems.
  • Environmental compliance: A 50 KLD STP plant helps in complying with local environmental regulations by treating wastewater to acceptable standards before discharge.
  • Water Recycling: The treated water can be reused, minimizing the demand on freshwater resources and lowering water bills.
  • Community health and hygiene: By treating sewage effectively, the STP plant prevents the spread of disease and promotes better health and hygiene in the surroundings.

There are certain challenges with 50 KLD STP plant –

  • The upfront investment cost and setup of 50 KLD STP is significant.
  • Experienced and skilled personnel are required for efficient operation, maintenance and troubleshooting.
  • To ensure consistent performance, regular maintenance and monitoring is important.

A 50 KLD STP is a great investment for businesses and communities seeking to manage their sewage effectively and sustainably. The facilities installing the STP comply with regulatory needs and also contribute to water conservation and environmental protection.

Also read:- What is 10 KLD STP plant?


1. Which facilities 50 KLD STP plant is used?

A 50 KLD STP plant is used for small residential complexes, schools, malls, hotels and light industrial facilities.

2. What is the approximate price of 50 KLD STP in India?

The approximate price of 50 KLD STP in India ranges from INR 10 lakhs to INR 20 lakhs depending on the technology and specifications.

3. What are the benefits of 50 KLD STP?

The benefits of 50 KLD STP is compact size, saves space, cost-effective, water recycling, environmental compliance and improved community health and hygiene.

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